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Hurricane Helms

Por N!KoL@! SoBr@N! em


Mais uma edição de : ´´ SMACKDOWN VS RAW 2009 - MONTAGENS ``,agora vamos aprender a fazer o Hurricane Helms :


Head Morphing

Head: 23,-9,0


Face Morphing


Eyes: 0,-18,-8,25,30,0,-12

Nose: 0,7,100,8,-30,10,-10,-10

Cheeks: -100,0,-100,0

Mouth: 100,31,-100,8,43,60,-28

Jaw: 32,18,22,-6,7,0

Ears: 0,98,-16,-15

Skin Aging: 0

Height: 6'0''


1.Definition: 5

2.Skin Tone: 12/12 89,0,0

3.Eye Type: 1/9 83,41,-19

4.Eyebrows: 20/39 86,0,-16

5.Eyelashes: 5/15

6.Lips: 1/17 96,0,0

7.Teeth: Padrão

8.Hair: 29/71 89,-11,-6,100

9.Face Paint: 67/89; 89,48,56,21

10.Templates: 26/27; 88,0,-23,100

11.Underwear: 2

12.Sideburns: 16/17; 90,-17,-6,100

13.Goatee: 3/14; 89,-4,-8,100

14.Socks: 1/21; -13,-100,-80,100,54

15.Arms/Wrists: 1/21; -13,-100,-80,100,100 (O braço direito só)

16.Elbows: 2/10; -13,-100,-70,100 ( Braço Esquerdo apenas )

17.Boots/Shoes: 30/32; 1st color; -27,-100,-15, 2nd Color; 33,51,-40

18.Hats: 14/38; -13,-100,-55 ( Somente entrada )

19.Bottoms: 40/43; escolher preto nas duas cores

20.Face>Design: 138/149, rodar 3 vezes, 2x H & maior V; 89,-55,40,20 Coloque-a no seu olho direito

21.Face>Design: 138/149, rodar uma vez, 2x H & maior V; 89,-55,40,20 Coloque-a no seu olho esquerdo

22.Make-Up: 25/29; 92,0,0,100

23.RightLeg>Design: 103/149, Maior H & V; -13,-100,-67,100,

24.LeftLeg>Design: 103/149, Maior H & V; -13,-100,-67,100,

25.Back>Design: 9/149,rodar duas vezes, menor V & H Maior; 34,-60,-4,100 O

26.Back>Alphabet:16/17, o H, Maior V & H; 27,-31,-50,60,

27.Back>Alphabet:17/17, o E, 3x Maior V & H; 27,-31,-50,60,

28.Back>Alphabet:17/17, o l, 3x Maior V & H; 27,-31,-50,60,

29.Back>Alphabet:17/17, o M, 3x Maior V & H; 27,-31,-50,60,

30.Back>Alphabet:16/17, o S, Maior V & H; 27,-31,-50,60,

31.Tops: 28/50; 88,-100,-75,100 ( Entrada somente )

32.RightArm>Sign: 4/7 the 1st of the 3rd column, 2nd V&H; 27,-20,-30,60,colocá-la no meio do seu ombro direito.

Application form

Name: Hurricane Helms

Hud Name: Helms

Announcer Intro: Gregory

Hometown: Raleigh, North Carolina

Weight class: Light Heavyweight 225lbs.

Crowd: good

Show: Smackdown!

Entrance :

Intro: Superstar 11

Lighting: DX


Motion: Superstar 11

Lighting: DX


Motion: Superstar 11

Lighting: DX

Ring in:

Motion: Superstar 11

Lighting: DX


Motion: Legend 12 (The Rock)

Lighting: DX


Champion Entrance: Superstar 11

Movie: Logo

Music: Tommy Dreamer

Signatures e Finishers :


- Hurricanrana 1
- Diving Cross Body
- Double Underhook Facebuster
- Neckbreaker 8 (Eye of the Hurricane)


- Double Underhook Drop
- Shining Wizard 7
- Neckbreaker 8
- Shining Wizard 8
- Knee Facebuster
- Vertabreaker
- Neckbreaker 9 (Overcast)
- Superkick (Hurri-Kick)
- Shining Wizard 5
- Hagakure

Se o seu ficou assim é porque você fez certo se não tente de novo. . .


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